3mm thick acoustic silent cork underlay with silver foil
Silent cork underlays are made out of natural cork – an excellent raw material suitable to be installed under almost any floor covering with significant improvement at thermic and acoustic levels. When compared to synthetic materials, cork becomes the right choice when looking for a solution that guarantees a viable performance but also the welfare of future generations. Acoustic silent cork underlay provides more comfort, protection and longevity to the final floor.
Chemical inert, moisture resistance and biodegradable.
acoustic silent cork underlay most distinguished and useful properties are: low density, resiliency, impermeability, insulating and fire retardant properties, low conductivity, high resistance to wear and tear, warm and soft touch and anti-static.
This cell-like structure, similar to a honeycomb, gives Opus cork great elasticity and, as incredible as it may seem, cork can be compressed to half of its size without losing its flexibility.
The cushion-like cells have a truly elastic memory. When compressed, they instantly try to return to their original shape. This elasticity gives cork a high level of tolerance to climate changes.
Air quality
Cork, the outer bark of the cork tree, QUERCUS SUBER L, is a vegetable fabric formed by millions of micro-cells, which are filled with a gaseous mixture identical to air.
The only natural renewable underlayment.